Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Y.A Novel? hmm...

I've had this idea in my head for years, maybe 4-5 of them. I told it to a guy I once dated who also was into writing, and he scoffed at my idea but I figured, hell, its not like I have to publish it. I still want to write it though.

What is it you ask? Well I haven't worked everything out... and maybe this idea has been though of or done before, but I wanted to do a story about a dog. A genetically enhanced dog, thrown into some sort of government conspiracy. I'm not sure how well I can pull this idea off, or much less if its something I will stick with, but who knows?

Monday, January 11, 2010


Oh. My. God. You would think, that the re-write would be the easiest thing after the initial first draft/pre-writing... whatever you want to call it, because after all... YOU ALREADY WROTE IT! Maybe thats the problem, seeing as in the 8-9 years I have started this adventure called writing, it seems everything I have ever written is nothing but a re-write of the same novel or two. Lets see, I have finished the first draft of "Flames of Revenge" on Dec.5 '09 and I have the first chapter of the Second Draft done... but I cant get the second chapter going... maybe it isn't SUPPOSED to be the second chapter yet... that might explain a bit...Hm... Looks like I have some more fiddling to do...